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Wednesday / February 19.
HomeminewsNSW OD’s Deregulated

NSW OD’s Deregulated

The New South Wales Government has passed legislation which will result in the repeal of the Optical Dispensers Act 1963 on 1 July 2010. Once the Act is repealed the requirement for licensing of optical dispensers will be removed and the Board will cease to exist. The Government’s decision to deregulate optical dispensing was based on recommendations of the NSW Better Regulation Office at the conclusion of its review into the licensing of a number of occupations including optical dispensing.

The following changes will occur on 1 July 2010:

• The licensing requirement for optical dispensers will be removed.

• Optical dispensers will be designated as ‘unregistered health practitioners’ and will be required to meet minimum standards set out in the Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health Professionals.

• This Code currently includes a number of unregistered health professionals and is enforced by the Health Care Complaints Commission and can be accessed at www.health. nsw.gov/aboutus/legal/ amendreg2008.asp

• The Health Care Complaints Act 1993 will be amended to enable the Health Care Complaints Commission to continue to deal with complaints about optical dispensers.

The Board advises that until 1 July 2010, persons undertaking optical dispensing duties in NSW will continue to require either a valid License or Approval to Practice issued by the Board.

More information about the review can be obtained at www.betterregulation.nsw.gov.au



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