A Review of Aid Effectiveness released by the Federal Government has recommended ‘flagships’ be identified to shape the future directions of Australia’s aid program and an increase in funding to 0.5 percent of Gross National Income by 2015-16.
Jennifer Gersbeck, Chief Executive Officer of Vision 2020 Australia has applauded the recommendations and said that eye health programs are worthy of being identified as a future ‘flagship’, given the success to date.
“Aid programs that aim to improve eye health and reduce avoidable blindness are among the most effective programs being funded by Australia’s aid program – in terms of their cost, sustainable outcomes, and flow on effects to individuals and their communities by helping to reduce poverty, hunger and inequality.
“Tackling avoidable blindness is a key step in efforts to eliminate poverty and is central to Australia’s commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals,” said Ms. Gersbeck.
The Aid Review also focuses on the need for more partnerships in the delivery of Australia’s aid program. This is one area where Australia’s efforts to restore sight are already world leading. Under the Avoidable Blindness Initiative, a series of activities is being implemented across the Asia Pacific region by Vision 2020 Australia’s Global Consortium.