Recently added to Topcon’s OCT portfolio is the new OCT-1 Maestro.
The maestro was designed with the aim of making OCT technology accessible to all clinicians, not only from a price point but also, the company says, because “in its unique compact design that allows for complete flexibility in the operator and patient positioning, this is ideal when space is limited, it can even be positioned on a chair and stand. Operation is extremely simply with the auto alignment, focus and capture functionality.”
The maestro features an inbuilt non-mydriatic colour camera, providing retinal imaging with OCT. “This combination is invaluable in providing a correlation between the OCT scan and the fundus within the same report, it also offers the widest OCT scan available at 12mm x 9mm, this is an ideal protocol for screening as it allows both the optic disc and macula to be scanned in a single capture,” says the company.
Available through Device Technologies, phone (AUS) 1800 811 513. For more information or go to: