Satisloh’s Micro-Lab is easy to integrate into a variety of production environments.
It offers an ideal entry point into modern digital lens production and is perfectly suited as a separate express line where jobs can be completed in the shortest time while maintaining the full performance quality of lens surfacing, coating and finishing.
All machines are self-sufficient and can operate independently to maximise production capabilities.
Economical Investment
Whether for conventional free-form lens production with alloy or for On-Block Manufacturing (OBM) using Nucleo Technology, the Satisloh Micro-Lab is an affordable investment for complete digital lens production.
Unmatched Production Stability
All machines are extremely robust in all kinds of production environments and feature: an inherently stable barrel shaped working chamber (VFT-micro generator), intelligent soft-tools (Micro-FLEX polisher), and process controlled hard and AR coating technologies, which do not require special clean room conditions.
Small dimensions and Weight
This modular concept provides unmatched freedom for future lab expansion needs as the lab business grows. The complete lab requires just 20-25m² of space.
For more information contact Satisloh Asia: +852 2756 7711 or visit [email protected]