B.I.G. stands for Beat Invisible Glaucoma and that’s the theme during World Glaucoma Week, from 5–9 March. The key messages being communicated are that it’s possible to beat glaucoma with a simple optic nerve check and that people with a direct family member who have glaucoma are 10 times more likely to develop the disease.
In this month’s issue of mivision, our guest editor Dr. Andrew White presents the latest thinking behind glaucoma diagnosis, treatment and management in the column ‘miophthalmology insights’ – see page 37.
It’s not too late to plan your own B.I.G. breakfast to raise awareness of glaucoma or to encourage your patients with glaucoma to do the same.
Glaucoma Australia has free information packs available with pamphlets for patients on a range of topics including Glaucoma simply explained, glaucoma and driving, the use of eye drops and a simple patient ‘Eye-Q Test’. Additionally a poster is available for display in practice during Glaucoma Week. Visitwww.glaucoma.org.au.