From 1 July Vision Australia will manage the NSW Spectacles Program which assists people who are most vulnerable in the community by providing them with free optical appliances.
The program will be administered by an online application and reimbursement model. Clients will be assessed online and immediately advised of eligibility based on their income and asset information. They will need to provide evidence of their income and assets using a Centrelink Income Statement or other relevant documentation for low wage earners.
The Program’s eligibility criteria will remain the same – a customer’s income needs to be at or below full Centrelink pension/ allowance rates and current asset thresholds will not change. If a client is deemed ineligible, an explanation sheet is generated for them.
Once eligibility is determined and suitable spectacles identified, clients will be able to order their spectacles through their usual supplier. Spectacles can include single vision and bifocal spectacles plus conditional items: tinting and contact lenses. Vision Australia will not be supplying spectacles.
Reimbursements will be generated once the spectacles have been fitted and the order confirmed. Vision Australia will audit a proportion of applications and survey a proportion of clients to assess satisfaction with the service.
The changes will be implemented from 1 July and paper application forms will no longer be used.