Dispensers, as well as optometrists, will be able to earn CPD points from South Australia’s Blue Sky Congress for the first time next month, with the Australian Dispensing Opticians Association announcing it will accredit the annual event.
“We are delighted that ADOA has accredited our annual congress and that we are now able to offer a parallel educational program to their members,” Optometry South Australia CEO Libby Boschen said.
Blue Sky Congress already offered optometry delegates up to 36 continuing professional development points for participation in lectures and workshops.
“ADOA members can now join the SA Blue Sky Congress for Optical Dispensers and achieve six continuing professional education points – or 50 per cent of their annual continuing education requirements,” Ms. Boschen said,
“All optical dispensers, including ADOA members, plus those with or without formal dispensing qualifications can participate in the SA Blue Sky Congress.”
The optical dispensers’ education program was developed by a team of experienced optical dispensers from across the sector, in collaboration with optics and dispensing teaching staff from UNSW, TAFE NSW and OTEN. It is based on objective, evidence-based education headlined by Dr. David Wilson, a renowned optical dispensing educator and author.
SA Blue Sky Congress will take place in Adelaide from 7–8 November 2014.