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Sunday / September 8.
HomeminewsOptometry Meets Ophthalmology at NSW CCLSA

Optometry Meets Ophthalmology at NSW CCLSA

The NSW Cornea and Contact Lens Society opened its doors to ophthalmologists on Tuesday 28 October, inviting them to join optometrists at an educational event held at the Sky Phoenix restaurant in Sydney CBD. President Margaret Lam said the educational event, which provided an update on keratoconus management, was highly successful and a “great opportunity to showcase our complementing skill sets”.

Griffin Ngo and Margaret Lam spoke to delegates alongside subspecialty corneal ophthalmologist Dr. John Males, with Dr. Males presenting on surgical advances since cross linking and Mr. Ngo and Ms. Lam discussing current and new lenses in use, and how to implement them in practice.

Ms. Lam said the mixed audience directed the tenor of the discussion. “The presence of speakers from the two professions together was fantastic. It allowed for a more in depth presentation – all presenters were aware that we had to present to an audience that encompassed students, experienced practitioners, and experts in the field of ophthalmic surgery – so actually it sharpened the presentations. We started with a great summary for those new faces entering the field and quickly progressed to cater to experienced practitioners then went on to discuss cutting edge techniques.

“We were enthused by the turnout of supportive ophthalmologists. They came along and had a great night, socialising with referring optometrists and meeting other optometrists to start new referral possibilities… the more we know about the respective skill set of our mutual professions the more we can work synergistically to improve patient outcomes.”

the more we know about the respective skill set of our mutual professions the more we can work synergistically to improve patient outcomes”

Ms. Lam said while the CCLSA is honoured to have a few leading corneal ophthalmologists as members of the NSW division this was an opportunity to welcome the broader ophthalmic profession. “This was about extending an olive branch to the ophthalmic profession so that ophthalmology members know they are welcome as members and at our future events,” said Ms. Lam. “We also ran an evening in Newcastle where ophthalmologist Dr. Ravi Singh spoke alongside Dom Willson and Heidi Hunter.” Following the events a considerable number of members from optometry and ophthalmology joined the Cornea and Contact Lens Society (CCLSA), she added.

She said Assoc. Professor Colin Chan will present on corneal dystrophies at the next event in January, along with a presentation about bandage contact lenses and their use and practical fitting tips in practice for optometrists.

Visit cclsa.org.au


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