Optos has launched the ‘California’ ultra-widefield retinal imaging device, which has been specifically designed for general ophthalmologists and vitreoretinal specialists with a need for multiple imaging modalities including colour, autofluorescence, fluorescein angiography, and indocyanine green angiography. Taking advantage of the latest imaging technology, Optos claims the California is the most comprehensive ultra-widefield retinal imaging device on the market. With views of up to 82 per cent or 200 degrees of the retina, the company has stated that it enables eye care professionals to see 50 per cent more of the retina compared to other imaging devices.
“These new features have been specifically designed for eye professionals to discover more evidence of disease and guide their treatment decisions even more effectively,” said a spokesperson.
Optos has more than 300 completed and ongoing clinical studies supporting the company’s contention that an ultra-widefield view of the retina helps eyecare professionals provide the best care for their patients. More than 7,300 devices are installed worldwide and more than 45 million patients have received an optomap.
Contact: Optos (AUS) 08 8443 4533