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Monday / February 10.
HomemiproductsBlink Intensive Drops

Blink Intensive Drops

Blink Intensive Tears Plus Gel Drops help patients with persistent dry eyes enjoy long-lasting relief with minimal blur.1 According to Abbott, these drops combine visco-elastic and muco-adhesive technology to distribute hydrating viscosity where it’s needed, just by blinking.1

Blink Intensive Tears Plus Gel Drops is preservative free and forms a protective film over the eyes to provide lasting hydration and relief. The visco-elastic protection adapts to the eye’s natural blinking function, providing hypotonic long lasting relief and vision acuity.1

Blink Intensive Tears Plus Gel Drops contains sodium hyaluronate, polyethylene glycol 400 and Ocupure dissipating preservative. Suitable for day and night-time for extra relief.

Contact: Abbott (AUS) 1800 266 111 or (NZ) 0800 266 465

1. Dumbleton K, Woods C, Fonn D. An investigation of the Efficacy of a Novel Ocular Lubricant. Eye & Contact Lens. 2009;35(3):149-155.