The Zeiss Cataract Suite Markerless consists of the IOLMaster, the Zeiss OPMI Lumera surgical microscope and computer-assisted cataract surgery system Callisto eye. By using a reference image taken on the IOLMaster as part of the normal biometry process, Callisto eye continuously tracks the live image during cataract surgery and displays a dynamic target axis overlay through the microscope eyepiece for markerless and precise toric IOL alignment.
There is no need to do manual pre-op or intra-op marking, nor is there need for manual data transfer.
Queensland surgeon Dr. Dan Black is one of many surgeons locally and around the world to find the Zeiss Cataract Suite a great advantage. “I can better predict the refractive outcome of my patients with markerless toric IOL alignment from Zeiss. With the markerless system more than 99 per cent of my patients have a postoperative refractive cylinder within +/- 0.50 D,” he said.
Contact: Zeiss Account Manager