David Stephensen, the Chair of International Cornea and Contact Lens Congress 2017 program committee has announced that Session 2 on Saturday, 9 September, “DEWS II Whetting our appetites for new knowledge in dry eye” – has evolved to better present the DEWS II findings and is now a “Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How? of Dry Eye”.
If you would like to gain the ultimate insight into the DEWS II message you won’t want to miss this experience. It should also make for great fun and clinical theatre!
The session will commence with a presentation by Associate Professor Jennifer Craig, who will provide information on the definition and classification of dry eye. The topic of ‘Who – the causative factors’ will be presented by Professor Fiona Stapleton; ‘How – diagnostic assessment’ will be presented by Professor Craig Woods; and When – putting it into practice’ will be presented by Dr. Jim Kokkinakis. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and live assessment.
Since 1962 the Cornea & Contact Lens Society of Australia (CCLSA) has supported research and innovation, promoted professional development and education and encouraged communication among members in the cornea and contact lens field.
If you are an optometrist, ophthalmologist, researcher or student, diarise the ICCLC dates now and register for the not-to-be-missed ICCLC 2017 today.
Click here to register or contact the ICCLC Event Managers: ICCLC@saneevent.com.au; (AUS) 02 9553 4820.