An Australian owned company has developed a customisable range of ophthalmic electronic lifting tables that work universally with most optical devices and instruments. Lewis Back, managing director of Medspace, a division of Zen Space Desks came up with the idea when he was attending an appointment with an ophthalmologist.
“I noticed the practice had several devices set up on different, height adjustable desks in the room, which took up more space than necessary, resulting in an inefficient work environment. It also meant the cables couldn’t be neatly contained. When you’re working with people who may be vision impaired, it is of course, important to minimise the risks of trips and falls, so I decided to purpose design adjustable tables that can be optimised for space, safety and efficiency.”
Mr. Back said a standard range of ophthalmic furniture is available however he encourages eye health professionals to work with his team to ensure tables are designed to suit the specific room dimensions and equipment in use.
All desktops are manufactured in Australia and fitted with electronic lifting devices manufactured overseas. They are distributed in Australia by France Medical.