Ocular lumps and bumps, swollen discs, interesting surgical retinal cases and medical history taking… these are just some of the topics that will be discussed at Queensland University of Technology’s Masterclass for optometrists on Sunday March 11, 2018.
Over one day, optometrists will hear from experienced ophthalmologists and educators:
Associate Professor Lawrence Lee (City Eye Centre, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, the Royal Children’s Hospital and University of Queensland) will speak on Clinical Paradigms For Real World Practice: OCT Angiography, Medical and Surgical Retinal Cases;
Dr. Geraldine Moses, a doctor of clinical pharmacy, specialising in drug information at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane, will speak on Medical History Taking In Optometry and Out-of-date Medicines: What Are the Important Implications?
Dr. Anthony Pane who is currently working with scientists in the QEI laboratory to develop a method to repair or regenerate damaged optic nerves; who will speak on the topics of Are These Discs Swollen?; What Should I Do With This Patient With Diplopia? and What Should I Do With This Field Defect?
Associate Professor Graham Lee (University of Queensland); will speak on Understanding the Clinical Significance of Ocular Surface Lumps, Bumps and Brown Things.
Dr. Mark Donaldson (Terrace Eye Centre, Queensland Eye Hospital, and Princess Alexandra Hospital); will speak on Most Interesting Retinal Cases In My Practice, and Retinal OCT and OCT Angiography Case Studies: Pearls of Wisdom
Register Now
The one day MasterClass offers attending optometrists a total of 24 therapeutic points.
Early bird registration (AU159 inc. GST) is available until 31 January 2018.
The full registration fee is $209 inc. GST).
Visit www.masterclass2018.com