Spectacular digital images taken by eye care professionals (ECPs) have been recognised at the International Cornea and Contact Lens Association Conference (ICCLC).
The ICCLC photo competition invited ECPs to submit digital images in the three categories of cornea, contact lenses, and lids, lashes and adnexa
The ICCLC photo competition invited ECPs to submit digital images in the three categories of cornea, contact lenses, and lids, lashes and adnexa.
To capture their images, ECPs were able to use digital imaging instrumentation including but not limited to biomicroscope, optical coherence tomography, smart phone, topographer etc. Submissions were accompanied by a short caption, including a brief case description and diagnosis.
Entries were scrutinised by a panel of judges ‘blind’ to the contestants’ names. Each submission was graded on image quality (focus, exposure, field of view, lighting, absence of distracting elements, difficulty capturing image etc.) and image subject matter (how impressive and extraordinary the content of the image is).
The grand prize winner in each category was announced at the ICCLC gala dinner and received complimentary membership to the CCLSA for the 2020 year.
The winner in each category was:
Cornea: James Simpson
Contact lenses: Shonit Jagmohan
Lids, lashes and adnexa: Tim Eagle
All entries were displayed during the ICCLC in the exhibition hall.