SEED 1dayPure Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) contact lenses incorporate a new optical design that’s been patented by the Brien Holden Vision Institute.
While many conventional multifocal designs are susceptible to pupil size change and lens decentration, SEED 1day PURE EDOF CLs constructively combine a series of specially selected higher-order aberrations on the front surface of the lens, to deliver good focus across the distant, intermediate and near ranges, regardless of pupil size change and lens decentration.
The lens has three distinct power profiles equivalent to ADD powers of +0.75, +1.50 and +2.25, giving three different depth of focus range options to suit the patient’s requirements. Available in +2.00D to -8.00D, in 0.25D steps.
Contact: SEED Contact Lens (AUS) 1300 373 718