Vison 2020 Australia’s second annual Barry Jones Vision Oration has been delivered by Assoc/Prof Kristopher Rallah-Baker, Australia’s first Aboriginal ophthalmologist.
Vison 2020 Australia’s second annual Barry Jones Vision Oration has been delivered by Assoc/Prof Kristopher Rallah-Baker, Australia’s first Aboriginal ophthalmologist.
A proud Yuggera and Biri-Gubba man, Assoc/Prof Rallah-Baker is a highly respected ophthalmologist and is one of the founding members of the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, a Board Director of the Royal Flying Doctors Service, technical advisor to the Fred Hollows Foundation and Chair of the Vision 2020 Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee.
The Barry Jones Vision Oration is an annual address, named in honour of Vision 2020 Australia’s inaugural Chair, the Hon Professor Barry Jones AC, who has been a long-standing supporter of the eye health and vision care sector, and continues to support the sector in his role as a Patron of Vision 2020 Australia.
Assoc/Prof Rallah-Baker spoke about issues in the context of Indigenous eye health, including workforce issues and creating opportunities for young Indigenous children
In his oration, Assoc/Prof Rallah-Baker spoke about issues in the context of Indigenous eye health, including workforce issues and creating opportunities for young Indigenous children to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities and the Australian community.
You can listen and watch the oration here.