Therapeutic endorsement can provide optometrists with more confidence to tackle tricky presentations, and can improve triage and timely care of patients, according to the Australian College of Optometry (ACO).
As the ACO prepares for the next intake of its online Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics next April, the ACO’s new Director of Research and Education, Tim Fricke, said seeking endorsement “isn’t just about scheduled medicines”.
“For many experienced optometrists who graduated in Australia or New Zealand before therapeutic endorsement was embedded into their university degree, they’re finding that endorsed colleagues often have a better understanding of disease and treatment, and they’re more comfortable tackling tricky presentations,” said Mr Fricke.
After observing that his therapeutically endorsed colleagues had more confidence when managing a ‘red eye’ patient, Queensland optometrist Andrew McMillan was encouraged to pursue study and bring himself up to speed with the current understanding of ocular conditions.
“Therapeutic endorsement has extended my scope of optometry and in doing so, has resulted in increased passion for my daily work”
For Mr McMillan, expanding his scope with therapeutics not only improved his professional satisfaction but it also had a positive impact on his local ophthalmologists’ workload.
“Gaining the privilege of prescribing scheduled medicine allows improved triage and timely care of patients, reducing the workload on ophthalmologists. The emergency clinic at the local hospital refers patients to our practice for appropriate care and the local ophthalmologists are more than happy for co-management of patient care when necessary.”
“Therapeutic endorsement has extended my scope of optometry and in doing so, has resulted in increased passion for my daily work,” Mr McMillan concluded.
Applications for the ACO’s Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics 2024 intake are currently open to all registered optometrists within Australia and New Zealand.
Apply before 15th December to secure an early bird discount!
For more information, visit the ACO’s website: