Despite the deep economic downturn, organisers of QV 2009, the popular Queensland optometry expo, say this year’s event “is on fire”.
Despite losing four long-term exhibitors, who cited the economic downturn as the reason, Queensland Vision organisers have signed up six exciting new exhibitors, namely Gelflex, iSoft, Mann Optics, Modstyle, Pfizer and Sunshades Eyewear. This means that QV2009 will boast its largest ever Exhibition Hall with 63 exhibitors and the number of registered delegates is at a record at this time compared to the past seven years.
Organisers of the conference, to be held at the Gold Coast Convention Centre from 17-19 April say “putting a congress together like QV is really a joy”.
“The Education Committee, under the leadership of President Shannon Pugh, builds the foundation stone in the form of a magnificent program and our small staff does the rest in terms of doing the deals, signing the speakers and making arrangements. Thankfully, our magnificent members respond by registering in ever-increasing numbers,” said Greg Johnson, CEO, OAA Qld/NT Division.
The speaker mix for QV2009 includes some of the country’s top optometrists. They will be joined by two ODs, two ophthalmologists, a GP and four other health professionals. OD’s Drs. Bill Townsend and Philip Buscemi and internationally renowned dietician Dr. Rosemary Stanton are among the high profile presenters on the maximum 46cpd point program.
Two lectures attracting early, significant interest are Rosemary’s “Food: for your eyes only” and several St John Ambulance certificate courses titled “Resuscitation techniques in an optometry practice.” These lectures will give delegates additional tools to use in practice in the form of sound dietary advice for healthy eyes and remedial action in the case of a medical emergency.
Delegates also receive considerable added value to their registration fee with the CIBAVision Gala Dinner at Warner Bros. Movie World, Essilor Cocktail Party and three sponsored breakfast sessions also included in the one low fee.
You can register at www.optomsqld.com or by phoning OAA Qld/NT on (AUS) 07 3839 4411.