Some surfaces are worth protecting – the ocular surface is one. Alcon Laboratories Systane brand protects, preserves, and promotes a healthy ocular surface.1-6
Systane Balance Lubricant Eye Drops Restores lipid layer3, 4
Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye DropsRestores aqueous and mucin layer5
Systane Gel Drops Lubricant Eye GelProvides extra ocular surface protection†1, 6
Systane Lid Wipes
For a gentle wipe as part of a daily eyelid hygiene regimen to remove debris, make-up and unwanted build-up.7
References available upon request.† Compared to Refresh Liquigel
Systane ® Registered Trademark of Alcon Laboratories (Australia) Pty Ltd. Systane™ Lidwipes Trademark of Novartis. 10/25 Frenchs Forest Road East, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 ph. 02 9452 9200. POPH.14055