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Tuesday / February 11.
HomeminewsShaan Closes Doors After 34 Years

Shaan Closes Doors After 34 Years

Shaan has closed its doors after 34 years trading in Australia. The company, which was founded by Neil McColl, was one of few remaining independent, Australian owned lens laboratories. It also distributed the frame brands Magic, Schaeffer, Misaki, Escape and Revlon. The company’s final day of operation was 11 August 2017.

Mr. McColl’s son Aaron, who worked in the business for the past 16 years, has announced the establishment of his own company; Aaron’s Eyewear. His company has been appointed as the exclusive distributor for Eyespace brands and has purchased the frame brand Magic.

Aaron McColl said the decision to close Shaan’s doors was not taken lightly.

“My father put a lot of his money into the company, in recent years especially to help it along. Now, at 73 and battling a couple of different cancers, he’s got no more left to give. So unfortunately and sadly, after 34 years of trade, Shaan has closed its doors.

“I’ve decided to remain in the industry that I have dedicated most of my working life to and am thrilled to be heading off with fresh wind in my sails as the exclusive distributor for Eyespace brands in Australia. If you have had an opportunity to see the stable of Eyespace brands currently available, you’ll understand my excitement.

“I have also purchased the trademark “Magic” from Shaan and will continue to offer and develop this frame brand into the future. I am also hopeful I can find a suitable lab that will package this frame range with their lenses and am currently in discussions with a few.

Mr. McColl said his new company had purchased all remaining frame inventory and spare parts for the Schaeffer, Misaki, Escape and Revlon brands and, for the next 12 months, would honour all manufacturers’ warranty commitments for frames that had been distributed by Shaan.

Aaron’s Eyewear has established a new website: aaronseyewear.com.au Contact: (AUS) 07 3367 8447.


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