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Saturday / January 18.
HomemiproductsCirrus HD-OCT 5000 with AngioPlex OCT-A

Cirrus HD-OCT 5000 with AngioPlex OCT-A

Zeiss has released a new glaucoma application for its AngioPlex OCT angiography (OCT-A) module on the Cirrus HD-OCT. Since its release in 2015, AngioPlex has offered non-invasive visualisation of the retinal vasculature and this has now been extended to the optic nerve head for evaluation of the disease process and progression of glaucoma patients.

This new application gives insights into an area that has traditionally been difficult to image with fluorescein angiography and somewhat unexplored in daily practice. The optimised scan for the optic nerve head allows qualitative and quantitative analysis of the perfusion and flow intensity within radial peripapillary capillaries within seconds. Combined with retinal nerve fibre layer thickness on the same report, the CIRRUS HD-OCT 5000 with AngioPlex OCT-A will now offer clinicians all of the relevant information to combat the ever-increasing glaucoma patient volume, while maintaining patient care and confidence.

Contact: Zeiss Account Manager