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Thursday / January 23.
HomemiproductsAlcon Precision1 CLs for New Wearers

Alcon Precision1 CLs for New Wearers

Today, 72% of people aged 15 to 24 are interested in wearing contact lenses (CLs).1* Despite this high interest, CL penetration remains low, and when patients try them, they struggle with the adjustment… 70% drop out within six months.2

Alcon has designed Precision1 CLs for new wearers, with innovative SmartSurface technology that helps address the main reasons for dropout and offers precise vision1,3, all-day comfort1 and ease of handling.1 A microthin, high-performance layer of moisture on the lens surface exceeds 80% water.3 Alcon is also introducing a new consumer program called The Great Big Precision1 Try On, which enables patients to try the lenses free for 30 days.‡‡ 

Contact: Alcon Account Manager 

References available online at mivision.com.au