The third Asia Optometric Congress and eight ASEAN Optometric Conference will take place in Kuala Lumpur from 18 –19 November 2020.
The conference, originally scheduled for June 2020, will be themed Vision 2020: Uniquely Asia and is free for all delegates.
The program includes welcome addresses by Wong Pak Seong, Organising Chair of Asia Optometric Congress 2020, Tan Kah Ooi, President of Asia Optometric Congress 2020 Andreas Mueller, Deputy Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Prevention of Blindness and Amanda Davis, Regional Chair (Western Pacific) of International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB).
Diverse session topics will range from major vision screening programs in ASEAN, through to sports vision, vision therapy, amblyopia, emergency referrals, and neuro-optometry rehabilitation.
To register to attend: