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Monday / February 10.
HomemiproductsHuvitz OCT

Huvitz OCT

The Huvitz is a powerhouse OCT that can be used for early diagnosis of glaucoma and many diabetic eye diseases including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular oedema, and cataracts.

Combining a full-colour fundus camera, personal computer, and optical coherence tomographer (OCT), the Huvitz OCT provides high-speed scanning and delivers high-resolution images, making extensive examination and instant diagnostic results possible. Options include biometry, topography and angiography.

The Huvitz OCT’s anterior segment module allows measurement and analysis of cornea thickness and angle. It helps users work more efficiently by acquiring both anterior and posterior data in one place. The measurement of anterior chamber angle (ACA) allows the diagnosis and management of angle-closure glaucoma patients.

Visit: opticare.com.au