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Saturday / October 12.
HomemiproductsZeiss HFA 3: Adapting Perimetry to the New Normal

Zeiss HFA 3: Adapting Perimetry to the New Normal

The Humphrey Field Analyser 3 from Zeiss makes patient examinations quick and efficient to implement in practice with:

  • Improved testing times of 30-50% using SITA Faster 24-2 1, resulting in reduced chair time and improved clinical workflow,
  • Increase detection of central visual field defects with 10 additional macular testing points in SITA Faster 24-2C 2,
  • Adopt new testing strategies but maintain continuity with the same Guided Progression Analysis reports and
  • An optional HFA3 breath shield, quoted on request.

Trade in your current perimeter before April 30, 2022 to receive an increased trade-in discount

Trade Discount Until 30 April 2022

Trade in your current perimeter before April 30, 2022 to receive an increased trade-in discount.

Read about the CFEH Study

Read findings from a study conducted by Centre for Eye Health which found that ‘Front loading’ visual field tests is a feasible approach to better understand a patient’s condition and disease progression, with minimal compromise to clinical workflow.


Find Out More

Visit: www.zeiss.com/HFA3; email: [email protected] or contact (AUS) 1300 365 470.


  1. Heijl A, Patella VM, Chong LX, et al. A new SITA perimetric threshold testing algorithm; construction and a multi-center clinical study. American Journal of Ophthalmology doi.org/10.1016/j.ajo.2018.10.010
  2. Phu, J, Kalloniatis, M. Ability of 24-2c and 24-2 Grids to Identify Central Visual Field Defects and Structure-Function Concordance in Glaucoma and Suspects. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020;219:317 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/32621896