Training isn’t limited to conferences and the classroom – the workplace is an important training ground for optical dispensers.
Martin Kocbek
When you say “training”, people think of a session in a room with an instructor or facilitator lecturing about new skills, or even an online course. Training feels like something you do to an employee.
Keep in mind that the majority of the development of new skills occurs informally, through collaborative problem solving and through the learner accessing resources independently. Better then to think about your goal as creating opportunities for employees to learn both about their job – and on the job.
ADOA feels ongoing training and learning is a must and we encourage our members to take up any opportunities on offer…
That said, there are numerous benefits from having a training and learning program for your business. Here are some reasons that come to mind.
Increased Productivity: Ongoing learning and training will ensure your team has the ability to get more done and continually improve.
Creating a safe environment
While not glamorous, safety matters and will enable you to reduce risk and possible insurance costs.
Training and learning programs will enable you to hire the person with the right attitude and best fit with your team: Skills like measuring a PD or frame selection can be taught; it’s harder to teach a strong work ethic or good attitude.
Boost employee engagement: Investing in training and learning improves employee engagement and engaged employees are more productive. An engaged employee is one who has a feeling of personal connection or pride in their work.
Innovation: Connecting your employees to opportunities to develop skills and abilities on an ongoing basis means that your business will be prepared to respond to changing circumstances.
A tailored learning program will show them you care: Investing in employee development is connected to increased job satisfaction and thus increased employee retention rates.
ADOA feels ongoing training and learning is a must and we encourage our members to take up any opportunities on offer.
With that in mind, the SA Blue Sky Congress is for the first time holding a parallel education stream designed especially for optical dispensers by a team of experienced optical dispensers, two of which are committee members of ADOA, Mr. Grant Hannaford and Mr. Steve Darras.
This is a great opportunity for employers and employees alike to learn about new technologies and to join together in a common goal.
Martin Kocbek is the President of ADOA NSW.
Murray O’Brien
Although most optical dispensers are not scientifically qualified to degree level, we work in a scientific field and many of us are required to make decisions and offer advice on a range of technical issues every day. In making these decisions we need to have an ability to decipher claims which have been scientifically verified from claims which are nothing more than marketing hype. This is particularly true of claims about some lens coatings and some lens designs. What do we believe and how do we truly verify for ourselves whether some manufacturers claims are really scientifically verified or whether they are based on a hypothesis which sounds like it could be a marketable idea?
I don’t think any of us should be afraid of asking lots of questions when our friendly lens sales rep comes to show us the next latest and greatest product. If the claim is “this new progressive lens offers 30 per cent wider reading than our competitor” then ask to see the data and ask how the company achieved that. We’ve all heard that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so we also need to ask if there is a down side to a lens with such a wide reading area. If the rep can’t answer the questions then don’t buy the product!
So often in this business we are expected to take manufacturer’s claims on good faith, but faith and belief has no place in science. Empiricism, evidence based on hard data and facts are the only acceptable means of making a judgement on whether a product or service is really worth the value being placed on it.
Continuing Education at CR Surfacing
ADOA Victoria’s next continuing education night will be held at CR Surfacing laboratories in Blackburn in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs on Tuesday 21 October. It is a wholly Australian owned lens manufacturer with extensive digital surfacing and multicoating capability. Anyone involved in the optical industry is invited to attend what should be an extremely interesting and informative night.
Bookings can be made via ADOA Victoria’s website at www.adoa.org.au or by phoning Don Blanksby directly on (AUS) 03 9536 3127.
Murray O’Brien is the President of ADOA Victoria.